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An unending quest for
Faculty members at JSB don’t just teach. They are constantly curious to advance their knowledge and be a learner for life! Their researches not only drive tomorrow’s business practices but also put forth an ecosystem for further radical studies.
Covering an array of diversified topics and modules, Faculty Research at JSB is an integral part of our vibrant culture of intellectual progression.

Research Details
Sr. No. |
Faculty Name |
Title |
Journal Name |
Publication House |
UGC Listed |
Scopus Listed |
ABDC Category |
1 |
Sahil Gupta |
Role of Supply Chain Performance in Global Value Chain Creation in Covid 19: A Partial Least Square Modelling Framework for Emerging Economy |
International Journal of Enterprise Network Management, |
Inderscience Publications |
Yes |
Yes |
B |
10.1504/IJENM.2023.130775 |
2 |
Sahil Gupta |
An empirical investigation of determinants of corporate social performance using multi-dimensional panel data analysis |
Journal of Public Affairs |
Wiley Publications |
Yes |
Yes |
B |
https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2843 |
3 |
Sahil Gupta |
When employees feel betrayed: The mediating role of psychological contract violation on nepotism and workplace commitment in the hotel industry |
International Journal of Hospitality Management |
Elseviers |
Yes |
Yes |
A* |
https://t.ly/crY1z |
4 |
Sahil Gupta |
How does ethical climate enhance work–family enrichment? Insights from psychological attachment, psychological capital and job autonomy in the restaurant industry |
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management |
Emerald |
Yes |
Yes |
A |
https://t.ly/pyFnL |
5 |
Saloni Chitkara |
impact of Return Policies on the Buying Behavior of the Customers in e-commerce industry: A study from emerging economy |
International Journal of process management and Benchmarking |
Inderscience Publications |
Yes |
Yes |
https://shorturl.at/lBEZ6 |
6 |
Tapan Kumar Nayak |
An empirical analysis of pharmaceutical industry in INdia using Data Envelopment Analysis |
Neuro Quantology |
Yes |
https://shorturl.at/avKV6 |
7 |
Sahil Gupta |
Modelling the influence of teenagers’ shopping motivation on their intention to purchase sports merchandise: A perspective from an emerging economy |
Applied Marketing Analytics |
Henery Publications |
Yes |
Yes |
https://shorturl.at/gjsXY |
8 |
Sahil Gupta |
Integration of Lean manufacturing and Industry 4.0: a bibliometric analysis |
The TQM |
Emerald |
Yes |
Yes |
B |
https://shorturl.at/yO038 |
9 |
Nitin Kumar Saxena |
Stepwise Regression: Business Analytics in Practice |
How To Guide’ on Research Methodology |
Sage International |
Yes |
https://shorturl.at/bS026 |
10 |
Nitin Kumar Saxena |
Changing the Centre Stage for Effective Teaching and Learning: Flipped Classroom Approach |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology |
Yes |
Sr. No. |
Faculty Name |
Title |
Journal Name |
Publication House |
UGC Listed |
Scopus Listed |
ABDC Category |
1 |
Nitin Kumar Saxena |
Building Brand Image: A Multi-Perspective Analysis |
Elementary Education Online |
Xllkogretim, Turkey |
Yes |
Yes |
2 |
Nitin Kumar Saxena |
Green Consumerism and Environmental Sustainability: A Study of Attitude towards Environmental Friendly Products |
Indian Journal of Ecology |
Indian Journal of Ecology |
Yes |
Yes |
3 |
KP Kanchana |
Digital Transformation And Innovation: Mantra For Business Sustainability |
4 |
Lalit Sharma |
An Analysis of Cointegration among Nifty Bank Index public and private banks share prices |
Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government |
CIBGS Works |
Yes |
C |
5 |
Vartika Chaturvedi, K P Kanchna, Anjali Khanna |
Fourth Industrial Revolution: Driving Transformation and Growth |
Multicultural Education |
Multicultural Education |
Yes |
Yes |
Sr. No. |
Faculty Name |
Title |
Journal Name |
Publication House |
UGC Listed |
Scopus Listed |
ABDC Category |
1 |
Nitin Kumar Saxena |
Brand Image Models of Non Durable Products: An Exploratory Study |
AMIS International Journal of Management |
AIMS International USA |
2 |
Dr Vartika Chaturvedi/KP Kanchana |
Employee Apprehensions and AI-Challenges and Benefits |
Sambodhi |
Sambodhi Research and Communications |
Yes |
3 |
KP Kanchana/ Dr Vartika Chatrurvedi |
Revolutionzing HR with AI: The new age challenges |
4 |
Dr. Nitin Saxena/ Dr Vartika Chaturvedi |
Using Social Networking Sites as an Educational Tool: Digital Empowerment and Academic Performance |
Purukala Journal |
Rock Art Society of India |
Yes |
5 |
Dr. Nitin Saxena |
Covid 19 : effecting the Economies and eco sytem |
Journal of Economics, Buisness and market research |
SciTech Centreal Inc, USA |
6 |
Dr. Nitin Saxena/ Dr Vartika Chaturvedi |
Survival of the Quickest: India’s Response to COVID-19 |
Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology |
Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology |
Yes |
Yes |
List Of Papers
- Gupta, S, Sharma G & Sawhney A (2023). Role of Supply Chain Performance in Global Value Chain Creation in Covid 19: A Partial Least Square Modelling Framework for Emerging Economy, International Journal of Enterprise Network Management. (ACCEPTED)
- Gupta, S, Kapoor, K, Sharma G & Malik, N (2023) Modelling the influence of teen’s shopping motivation based on their purchase intentions for sports merchandise: A perspective from an emerging economy. Applied Marketing Analytics. 8(3). pp 1–15
- Lim, W. M., Srivastava, S., Jain, A. K., Malik, N., & Gupta, S. (2023). When employees feel betrayed: The mediating role of psychological contract violation on nepotism and workplace commitment in the hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 108, 103381.
- Lim, W. M., Cabral, C., Malik, N., & Gupta, S. (2022). How does ethical climate enhance work–family enrichment? Insights from psychological attachment, psychological capital and job autonomy in the restaurant industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, (ACCEPTED)
- Patharia, I., Gupta, S., & Rastogi, S. An empirical investigation of determinants of corporate social performance using multi‐dimensional panel data analysis. Journal of Public Affairs, e2843. (ACCEPTED)
- Kumar, N, Singh, A, Gupta, S,KaswanMS, Singh MIntegration of Lean Manufacturing and Industry 4.0: A Bibliometric Analysis”. The TQM Journal. (ACCEPTED)
- Chitkara S, Nasim S, Routray S, Sunayana Jain.Prioritising Critical Success Factors of Sustainable Reverse Logistics For E-Commerce Organizations In India – MCDM Approach. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking (ACCEPTED)
- Saxena, N. K., (2021). Green Consumerism and Environmental Sustainability: A Study of Attitude towards Environment-Friendly Products. India Journal of Ecology. (Scopus Indexed - Acceptance Received)
- Saxena, N. K. & Dhar, U. (2021). Brand Image Models of Non-Durable Products: An Exploratory. AIMS International Journal, 15(2). 119-135. (USA)
- Saxena, N. K. & Dhar, U. (2021). Building Brand Image: A Multi-Perspective Analysis. Elementary Education Online 20(5), 3885-3892. (Scopus Indexed - Turkey)
- Chaturvedi Vartika &Kanchana KP (2021). Employee Apprehensions and AI-Challenges and Benefits, Sambodhi UGC Care Approved, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal
- Chaturvedi Vartika &Kanchana KP (2021). Fourth Industrial Revolution: Driving Transformation and Growth 2021 Springer
- Chaturvedi Vartika &Kanchana KP (2021). Breaking the Glass Ceiling Culture: Structural, Cultural and Organizational, International Conference on Glass Ceiling Issues and challenges on women career development in educational institutions (ICGC-2021) AITS Tirupati.
- Kanchana KP & Chaturvedi Vartika (2021). Glass Ceiling: Is There Any Sign of Breaking this in the 21st Century: An analysis: 2021 International Conference on Glass Ceiling Issues and challenges on women career development in educational institutions (ICGC-2021) AITS Tirupati.
- Bhushan B., (2021). Barrier, preventing women from achieving from Senior Position in Education, J of Intelligent systems technologies and applications (Inder Science Publications) Acceptance Confirmations- IJISTA-271524, scheduled for inclusion in V20 N1
- Chaturvedi, V. & Saxena, N. K. (2020). Survival of the Quickest: India's Response to COVID-19. Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, 12 (4), 5401-5410.
- Saxena, N. K., Saxena, R. & Chaturvedi, V. (2020). Using Social Networking Sites as an Educational Tool: Digital Empowerment and Academic Performance. Purukal Journal, 31 (8), 1454-1464.
- Saxena Nitin & Chaturvedi Vartika, (2020). Emerging Issues in the Indian Marketplace: Post COVID-19, Juni Khyat Journal (ISSN 2278-4632)
- Saxena, R., Saxena, N. K., & Pachauri, V. (2020). Emerging Issues in the Indian Marketplace: Post COVID-19. Juni Khyat Journal, 10 (7). 192-199. (UGC Care Group I | ISSN 2278- 4632)
- Chaturvedi V., & Saxena, N. K., (2020). Empower Women Empower Nation. Giving Value to the Voiceless, Bharati Publication (ISBN 978938965745)
- Patel, Ajay (2020). Assessment of market Efficiency of Agricultural Stocks in India: An analysis, Mudra: Journal of Finance and Accounting, 7(1) Chaturved Vartika (2020). A Study on Employer's Concern Towards Employer's Safety, Security and Well-being for Productivity Pre and Post COVID-19. Contemporary Issues in Business Management and Information Technology. Amity University Publications
- Bhushan Bharat (2020). Inclusive leadership in supply chain management international journal of Research in Management, Issue Jul- Dec20
- Chaturvedi Vartika & Kanchana KP (2020). Employee Apprehensions and AI-Challenges and Benefits-An Investigations, ICSE 2020 KIIT
- Shukla, T., (2019). The Availability and Uses of Digital Technology in Community Service with Reference to Health Sector in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Current Advanced Volume-01 /8 pp 68-74 ISSN: 2663-0931(Print)
- Shukla, T., (2019). Employee Concerns and AI- An investigation published in the edited book titled Emergence of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Challenges and Opportunities for Business, Society & Education, Excel Publishers, pp 44-49; ISBN 978-93-88237-82-6
- Saxena, N. K. & Dhar, U. (2019). Brand Image of Durable Products: A Factorial Analysis. Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education, 50 (2).
- Tyagi, A. & Saxena, N. K. (2019). Future of Technology: Unleashing the Power of Business. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things: Challenges and Opportunities for Business, Society and Education. Page 131-140, Excel India Publishers (ISBN 978-93-88237-82- 6).
- Shukla, T. & Saxena, N. K. (2019). Impact of Demographic Variables on Green Marketing: Customer Awareness and Environmental Sustainability. Business Sustainability in the 21st Century: Managing People, Planet and Profit. Page 131-143, Bloomsbury Publication (ISBN 978-93-88912-91-4)
- Saxena, N. K & Saxena, R. (2019). Effect of Social Media Marketing on Customers' Behavioral and Emotional Respo
- Global Leadership Through Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Good Governance. Page 83, Bookwell Publications, New Delhi (ISBN 978-93-86578-30-3).
- Singhal, S., (2018). Impact of Long-Term Capital Gain Tax on Stock Market, Capital Market Dynamics, Bulletin of ASSOCHAM, Volume 2, Page no. 20-21.
- Singhal, S., (2018). Penetration of Health Insurance in India: Reality or Mirage, Asian Journal of Management Applications and Research, vol.8/1, pp798-810
- Tyagi, Parul (2018). Comparing the Volatility of Returns in Indian and Chinese Information Technology Sector, IITM Journal of Management and I.T., Vol-9, issue-2, 26-34. Indexed in CNKI Scholar, Ebsco Discovery.
- Tyagi, Parul (2018). Comparing the Volatility of Returns in Indian and Chinese Pharmaceutical Sector, Business Analyst, Academic Journal of India's Pioneering Institution, Shri Ram College of Commerce, Vol-39, No-2,
- Tyagi, Parul (2018). Financial Inclusion: An Initiative of Modi-led-Government, OJAS, International Journal of Research Management. ISNN No- 22790373.
- Tyagi, Parul (2018). Financial skill development in Gujrat, Haryana Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh: A comparative study, Excel Publishers, pp 186-198; ISBN 978-93-88237-82-6
- Anindita, (2018). Skills in teaching: Learning from Panchatantra, Excel Publishers, pp 371-374; ISBN 978-93-88237-82-6
- Singh Sweety (2018). The hopeful prospects of rejection will help you to have a clearer vision of your strategy going forward, Excel Publishers, pp 378-379; ISBN 978-93-88237-82-6
- Yusuf Mehdi, (2018). Honing the soft skills through literature, Excel Publishers, pp 270-274; ISBN 978-93-88237-82-6
- Shukla, Timira (2017). Antecedents of HR Governance - An Insight, International Journal of Academic Research and Development (IJAR&D) Vol.3/1
- Saxena, N. K. & Dhar, U. (2017). Brand Image: A Seasoned Review. Asian Journal of Management; 8 (1), 103-106.
- Singhal, Santosh (2017). An Evaluation of Reference To Growth And Financial Position, NIET Journal of Management ISSN No.0975-7643, Volume VIII, Issue:1 page no.63-72
- Singhal, Santosh (2017). Performance Evaluation of Private Sector Banks in India, International journal of research in management ISSN No. 2279-0373, page no.21-28
- Singhal, Santosh (2017). Reformation of capital market &review of capital formation- an analytical approach, Mangalmay Journal of Management & Technology ISSN No. 2230-729X Vol. 7, page no. 116-121
- Dash, M., (2017). Challenges for building a sustainable business, Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt Ltd, ISBN:978-93-87471-30-6, Page no53-57